
In order to promote safe practices and long caster life, CWIH provides the following guide to caster applications. This general guide states broad recommendations for caster usage along with some caster do's and don'ts. Remember to contact the caster professionals at CWIH if you are uncertain about the right caster for your specific application or have any caster or wheel related questions. We're here to help!


  • Make sure you have the proper weight capacity to handle the job. In general, the larger the wheel diameter and the wider the wheel face the higher the capacity. Different wheel materials of the same size can yield vastly different weight capacities. Your choice of wheel bearing can have a dramatic affect on overall capacity too.
  • Match the wheel bearing to the application. The right bearing can make the object much easier to move reducing muscle strain and fatigue as well as increasing safety. Choose roller or ball bearings for everyday applications; Delrin or stainless steel bearings for corrosive and wet environments; choose plain bore wheels for low capacity, low cost solutions; automotive type bearings for tow lines; and semi-precision bearings for an ergonomic solution at a good value.
  • Match the wheel material to the application. We consider weight capacity, environment, speed, type of floor and cost when recommending a wheel material. We carry solid wheels made of various types of steel and iron (semi-steel, ductile, drop forged, etc), polyurethanes, rubbers, phenolic resin, polyolefin and more. We offer hundreds of combinations of tread and hub materials including steel, iron, aluminum, polypropylene and polyolefin hubs with soft/hard rubber, polyurethanes, TPR or thermoplastic rubber and other high tech tread materials.
  • Choose the right caster for the application. Do you need all swivel casters? Or a combination of swivels and rigids? Or a direction or total lock? We offer them all. In general rigid/swivel combinations work well in straight lines and "lazy" curves, where all swivels work well in tight quarters. Contact us for details on the various brake/lock options we offer including directional, total, cam, wheel face, etc. and when to specify them. Always consider the environment the caster will be subject to. Will it sit for long periods of time, always moving, heat, cold, steam, water, solvents, magnetism, etc.


  • Waste money or jeopardize safety by buying the wrong caster. Professional advice is yours for the asking at CWIH.
  • Use a carbon steel caster in a wet, caustic or non-magnetic application. Use stainless steel or the new high tech "plastic/composite" casters.
  • Take short cuts mounting the casters, use proper fasteners.
  • Neglect your casters. Periodic visual inspection and lubrication is a must.
  • Forget about your overall height requirements
  • Leave the casters until last. Contact us early in your product design in order to simplify mounting options and lower your procurement costs.